IST 501: Integrative Theories and
Methods of the Information Sciences and Technology
Fall 2009
Time and
Place: Monday: 2:30-5:30 PM,
IST 201.
Hours: 2-3 PM, Tuesday or TBA, 311A IST. If for
some reason office hours are canceled, an email notification will be
sent out with a replacement date.
This course provides an overview to the
integrative aspects of the fields which comprise the information
sciences. The course has three broad objectives. First, the course
serves as an overview to the theories, models, findings, research
methods and research-related issues that frame the multiple fields of
the information sciences. Second, the course provides students a set of
integrative techniques and models. Finally, the course provides
students a means to begin formulating researchable topics and questions.
IST 501 is designed as the introductory course for
graduate students who are interested in pursuing research in the
various fields that comprise the information sciences. The specific
focus is a critical integrative treatment of the
- the foundations of the information sciences,
- how people use information science and technologies to meet their
information needs,
- an
understanding of the models of information science,
- an investigation of what is theory integration.
Students should also get a broad understanding of the research and
scholarship that exists in the College of Information Sciences and
Performance Evalution
All assignments unless stated are individual
Late Policy: All requiremented
documents are hardcopies and are due at the start of class on the
date assigned. Starting right after the required submission date, 1/3
of the grade will be deducted for every day tardy until no grade is
For more information on any of the above, please contact Lee Giles.
Email: All email to the instructor about this class should
"IST501" in the subject line. For example, the subject
line might read "IST501: Question about ....". Email
without this information might be deleted by spam filters or placed in
a folder to be read at a later date. Email with the appropriate
identifier will usually be read within 24 hours of being received.
No text is required. Digital copies of papers, chapters and online
material will be used. Chapters will be drawn from an advanced copy of
a textbook in progress, Information: A Fundamental Construct,
by Bob Allen
at Drexel.
Syllabus, Schedule:
This schedule is subject to change. Please check it on a regular basis
for assignments. All classes will have online handouts. It is the
student's responsibility to download that material.
Homepages: Graduate student homepages help promote discussions and
Materials and References: Course materials can be
found here. There will also be links on the schedule.