This schedule is subject to changes; please check every week.
Date Topic covered Assignments
24-Aug Introduction to Information Syllabus, discussion of class
Class details Ch 1, "Information," Robert Allen
Exercise 1 assigned Wikipedia definition of "Informatics"
Wikipedia defintion of "Information Science"
Wikipedia defintion of "Information Systems"
Wikipedia definition of "Information"
Wikipedia defintion of "Science"
Wikipedia article on "Theory"
"How Much Information,"
31-Aug Knowledge Representation Ch 2, "Knowledge Representation," Robert Allen
Exercise 1 due "Classification and Categorization: a Difference that Makes a Difference," Elin Jacob
"The Vocabulary Problem in Human-System Communication," G.W. Furnas, et al.
"The Montagues and the Capulets," Carloe Goble, Chris Wroe
"Disambiguating Authors in Academic Publications using Random Forests," Pucktada Treeratpituk, C.Lee Giles
Research presentation by IST graduate student Puck Treeratpituk
7-Sep Labor Day - no classes
14-Sep Documents and Descriptions Ch 3, "Documents and Descriptions," Robert Allen
"Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata," Adam Mathes
"Which Semantic Web?" C.C. Marshall, F.M. Shipman
TableSeer: Automatic Table Metadata Extraction and Searching in Digital Libaries, Ying Liu, et al.
Research presentation by IST graduate student, Dr. Ying Liu
21-Sep Tasks and Activities Ch 4, "Tasks and Activities," Robert Allen
"Relevance: A Review of and a Framework for the Thinking of the Notion in Information Science," T. Saracevic
"Integrating Development of Task and Object Models," M. Rosson
"Using Reflective Learning to Master Opponent Strategy in a Competitive Environment," M.A. Cohen, F.E. Ritter, S.R. Hayes
Research presentation by former IST graduate student Professor Mark Cohen
28-Sep Human Cognition and User Interaction Ch 5, "Human Cognition and HCI," Robert Allen
"Cognitive Engineering - Cognitive Science," D. Norman
"Users are individuals: - individualizing user models," E. Rich
"Playing with Information: How End Users Think About and Integrate Dynamic Data," N. Zang, M.B. Rosson
Research presentation by Bernie Zang, IST graduate student
5-Oct Social Interaction Ch 6, "Social Interaction and Education," Robert Allen
"Computers that recognize and respond to user emotion: theoretical and practical implications," R. Picard, J. Klein
"Indentity and search in social networks," D.J. Watts, P.S. Dodds, M.E.J. Newman
"Collaborative Information Seeking: A Field Study of a Multidisciplinary Patient Care Team," M. Reddy, P.R. Spence
Research presentation by Barbara Spence, IST graduate student
12-Oct Information Services Ch 8, "Services," Robert Allen
"No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering," F.P. Brooks, Jr.
"Review: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Management Systems: Conceptual Foundations and Research Issues," M. Alavi, D.E. Leidne
"A Comparative Analysis of RFID Adoption in Retail and Manufacturing Sectors," M. Bhattacharya, C-H. Chu, T. Mullen
Research presentation by Mithu Bhattacharya, IST graduate student
19-Oct Social Informatics Ch 9, "Society and Economics," Robert Allen
"IT Doesn't Matter," N.G. Carr
"The Economics of Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond," J. Lerner, J. Tirole
"From 'Methods Fragments' to 'Knowledge Units': Towards a Fine-Granular Approach," A. Karunakaran, S. Purao, B. Cameron
Research presentation by IST graduate student Arvind Karunakaran
5 minute presentations
Manasa Basavaraju
Lee Erickson
Smitha Sundareswaran
Ryan Kaulakis
Yan Cao
Zhe Liu
26-Oct Scholarship, Science, and Domain Informatics "The Data Deluge: An e-Science Perspective," T. Hey, A. Trefethen
"Who gets acknowledged: Measuring scientific contributions thourgh automatic acknowledgement indexing," C.L. Giles, I.G. Councill
"Scientometrics: State of the Art," A.F.J. Van Raan
"Enhancing Information Scent: Identifying and Recommending Quality Tags," S. Zhang, U. Farooq, J.M. Carroll
Research presentation by IST graduate student Shaoke Zhang
5 minute presentations
Eric McMillan
Yu Zhang
Jonathan Becker
Kartikeya Bajpai
Jerry Lothian
Changkun Zhao
2-Nov Text Processing Ch 11, "Text Processing," Robert Allen
"The PagerRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web," L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani, T. Winograd
"Seeing the Whole in Parts: Text Summarization for Web Browsing on Handheld Devices," O. Buyukkokten, H. Garcia-Molina, A. Paepcke
"Twitter Power: Tweets as Electronic Word of Mouth," B.J. Jansen, M. Zhang, K. Sobel, A. Chowdury
Research presentation by IST graduate student, Mimi Zhang
9-Nov Integrative Theory and Applications "Why Astrology is a Pseudoscience," P.R. Thagard
"Why Machine Ethics," C. Allen, W. Wallach, I. Smit
"Competing Dichotomies in IS Research and Possible Strategies for Resolution," B. Fitzgerald
"A Formal Model for Emerging Coalitions under Network Influence in Humanitarian Relief Coordination," Kang Zhao,
"Ontological Complexity and Human Culture," David Saab, Fred Fonseca
Research presentation by David Saab, IST graduate student
Research presentation by Kang Zhao, IST graduate student
16-Nov Student Presentations
Exercise 2 & Participation Assigned
Eric McMillan
Jonathan Becker
Yan Cao
Yu Zhang
23-Nov Thanksgiving Holiday
30-Nov Student Presentations
Karitekya Bajpai
Changkun Zhao
Lee Erickson
Smitha Sundareswaran
7-Dec Student Presentatins
Zhe Liu
Jeremy Lothian
Manasa Basavaraju
Ryan Kaulakis
14-Dec Exam Week - No Assignments
Research papers due