@InProceedings{ bollacker98citeseer, author = "Kurt Bollacker and Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "{CiteSeer}: An Autonomous {Web} Agent for Automatic Retrieval and Identification of Interesting Publications", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomous Agents", editor = "Katia P. Sycara and Michael Wooldridge", publisher = "ACM Press", address = "New York", pages = "116-123", year = "1998" } @INPROCEEDINGS{chen92p1, AUTHOR = "D. Chen and C.L. Giles and G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "Learning Finite State Transducers with a Recurrent Neural Network", BOOKTITLE = "IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Beijing, China", ADDRESS = "Beijing", YEAR = "1992", PUBLISHER = "Publishing House of Electronics Industry", PAGE = "129", VOLUME = "1"} @INPROCEEDINGS{chen93p, AUTHOR = "D. Chen and C.L. Giles and G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee and M.W. Goudreau", TITLE = "Constructive Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "1993 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", YEAR = "1993", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", VOLUME = "III", PAGE = "1196-1201" } @TECHREPORT{clouse94t, AUTHOR = "D.S. Clouse and C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne and G.W. Cottrell", TITLE = "Learning Large DeBruijn Automata with Feed-Forward Neural Networks", INSTITUTION = "Computer Science and Engineering, University of California at San Diego", YEAR = "1994", NUMBER = "CS94-398", ADDRESS = "La Jolla, CA"} @ARTICLE{clouse97IEEETNN, AUTHOR = "D.S. Clouse and C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne and G.W. Cottrell", TITLE = "Time-Delay Neural Networks: Representation and Induction of Finite State Machines", JOURNAL ="IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", VOLUME = "8", NUMBER = "5", PAGES = "1065-1070"} @INPROCEEDINGS{das92p, AUTHOR = "S. Das and C.L. Giles and G.Z. Sun", TITLE = "Learning Context-free Grammars: Limitations of a Recurrent Neural Network with an External Stack Memory", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of The Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society", YEAR = "1992", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", PAGES = "791-795", ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA"} @INPROCEEDINGS{das93p, AUTHOR = { S. Das and C.L. Giles and G.Z. Sun }, TITLE = {Using Hints to Successfully Learn Context-Free Grammars with a Neural Network Pushdown Automaton}, BOOKTITLE = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5}, PUBLISHER = {Morgan Kaufmann Publishers}, EDITOR = {S.J. Hanson and J.D. Cowan and C.L. Giles}, PAGES = {65--72}, ADDRESS = {San Mateo, CA}, YEAR = {1993}} @INPROCEEDINGS{giles90p, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee and D. Chen", TITLE = "Higher Order Recurrent Networks \& Grammatical Inference", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems~2", YEAR = "1990", EDITOR = "D.S. Touretzky", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA", PAGES = "380-387"} @INPROCEEDINGS{giles91p, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and D. Chen and C.B. Miller and H.H. Chen and G.Z. Sun and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks for Grammatical Inference", BOOKTITLE = "1991 IEEE INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - Seattle", YEAR = "1991", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", VOLUME = "II", PAGES = "273-281"} @ARTICLE{giles92j, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and C.B. Miller and D. Chen and H.H. Chen and G.Z. Sun and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "Learning and Extracting Finite State Automata with Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "Neural Computation", YEAR = "1992", VOLUME = "4", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "393--405"} @INPROCEEDINGS{giles92p, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and C.B. Miller and D. Chen and G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "Extracting and Learning an Unknown Grammar with Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4", YEAR = "1992", EDITOR = "J.E. Moody and S.J. Hanson and R.P Lippmann", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA", PAGES = "317-324"} @INPROCEEDINGS{giles92p2, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and C.W. Omlin", TITLE = "Inserting Rules into Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Neural Networks for Signal Processing II, Proceedings of The 1992 IEEE Workshop", YEAR = "1992", EDITOR = "S.Y. Kung and F. Fallside and J. Aa. Sorenson and C.A. Kamm", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", PAGES = "13-22"} @ARTICLE{giles93j, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and C.W. Omlin", TITLE = "Extraction, Insertion and Refinement of Symbolic Rules in Dynamically-Driven Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "Connection Science", YEAR = "1993", VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "3,4", PAGES = "307-337", NOTE = "Special Issue on Architectures for Integrating Symbolic and Neural Processes"} @INPROCEEDINGS{giles94p, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne", TITLE = "Representation and Learning in Recurrent Neural Network Architectures,", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Eighth Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems", YEAR = "1994", EDITOR = "K.S. Narendra", PAGE = "128", ADDRESS = "Center for Systems Science, Dunham Laboratory, Yale University New Haven, CN"} @ARTICLE{giles94j-si, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and G.M. Kuhn and R.J. Williams", TITLE ="Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks: Theory and Applications", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "153-156", YEAR = "1994"} @ARTICLE{giles94j.si, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and G.M. Kuhn and R.J. Williams", TITLE ="Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks: Theory and Applications", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "2", YEAR = "1994", NOTE = "Special Issue"} @ARTICLE{giles94j1, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and C.W. Omlin", TITLE = "Pruning Recurrent Neural Networks for Improved Generalization Performance", JOURNAL =" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", YEAR = "1994", PAGES = "848-851" VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "5"} @TECHREPORT{giles94tr, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne and T. Lin", TITLE = "Learning a Class of Large Finite State Machines with a Recurrent Neural Network", YEAR = "1994", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-94-94 and CS-TR-3328", ADDRESS = "College Park, Maryland"} @ARTICLE{giles95j, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and D. Chen and G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee and M.W. Goudreau", TITLE = "Constructive Learning of Recurrent Neural Networks: Limitations of Recurrent Casade Correlation and a Simple Solution", JOURNAL =" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", VOLUME = "6", NUMBER = "4", PAGES = "829--836", YEAR = "1995"} @ARTICLE{giles95j1, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and M.W. Goudreau", TITLE = "Routing in Optical Multistage Interconnections Networks: A Neural Network Solution", JOURNAL =" IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology", YEAR = "1995", VOLUME = "13", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "1111--1115", NOTE = "Special Issue on Optical Interconnections for Information Processing, Editors: J.N. Lee, A. Husain"} @ARTICLE{giles95j2, AUTHOR = "C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne and T. Lin", TITLE = "Learning a Class of Large Finite State Machines with a Recurrent Neural Network", JOURNAL ="Neural Networks", YEAR = "1995", VOLUME = "8", NUMBER = "9", PAGES = "1359--1365"} @InProceedings{ giles97AAAI, author = "C. Lee Giles and Steve Lawrence", title = "Presenting and Analyzing the Results of {AI} Experiments: Data Averaging and Data Snooping", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-97", publisher = "AAAI Press", address = "Menlo Park, California", pages = "362--367", year = "1997" } @InProceedings{ giles97rule, author = "C. Lee Giles and Steve Lawrence and A.C. Tsoi", title = "Rule Inference for Financial Prediction using Recurrent Neural Networks", booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE/IAFE Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr)", pages = "253--259", publisher = "IEEE", address = "Piscataway, NJ", year = "1997" } @InProceedings{ giles98citeseer, author = "C. Lee Giles and Kurt Bollacker and Steve Lawrence", title = "{CiteSeer}: An Automatic Citation Indexing System", booktitle = "Digital Libraries 98 - The Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries", editor = "Ian Witten and Rob Akscyn and Frank M. Shipman III", publisher = "ACM", pages = "89--98", address = "Pittsburgh, PA", month = "June 23--26", isbn = "0897919653", year = "1998", note = "One of 8 papers short listed for Best Paper Award" } @Article{ giles98access, author = "C. Lee Giles and Steve Lawrence and Bob Krovetz", title = "Access to Information on the {Web}", journal = "Science", type = "Letter", volume = "280", number = "5371", pages = "1815", year = "1998" } @INCOLLECTION{giles98b, BOOKTITLE = "Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", EDITOR = "C.L. Giles and M. Gori", YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "New York, NY", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag"} @ARTICLE{goudreau92j, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Routing in Random Multistage Interconnection Networks: Comparing Exhaustive Search, Greedy and Neural Network Approaches", JOURNAL = "International Journal of Neural Systems", YEAR = "1992", VOLUME = "3", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "125--142"} @INPROCEEDINGS{goudreau93p, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles and S.T. Chakradhar and D. Chen", TITLE = "On Recurrent Neural Networks and Representing Finite State Recognizers", BOOKTITLE = "Third International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks", YEAR = "1993", ORGANIZATION = "The Institution of Electrical Engineers", ADDRESS = "London, UK", PAGES = "51--55"} @INPROCEEDINGS{goudreau93p1, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Discovering the Structure of a Self-Routing Interconnection Network with a Recurrent Neural Network", BOOKTITLE = "International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications", YEAR = "1993", EDITOR = "J. Alspector and R. Goodman and T.X. Brown", PUBLISHER = "Lawrence Erlbaum", ADDRESS = "Hillsdate, NJ", PAGES = "52-59"} @INCOLLECTION{goudreau94c, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Routing in Random Multistage Interconnection Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Neural Networks for Telecommunications", YEAR = "1994", PUBLISHER = "Kluwer Academic Publishers", ADDRESS = "Boston, MA", EDITOR = "Ben Yuhas and Nirwan Ansari", PAGES = "37--61"} @ARTICLE{goudreau94j, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles and S.T. Chakradhar and D. Chen", TITLE = "First-Order Vs. Second-Order Single Layer Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", VOLUME = "5", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "511--513", YEAR = "1994"} @ARTICLE{goudreau95j, AUTHOR = "M.W. Goudreau and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Learn the Structure of Interconnection Networks", JOURNAL = "Neural Networks", YEAR = "1995", NOTE = "In press"} @inproceedings{Horne95p, author={B.G.~Horne and C.L.~Giles}, title={An experimental comparison of recurrent neural networks}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7}, editor={G.~Tesauro and D.~Touretzky and T.~Leen}, publisher={MIT Press}, pages={697--704}, year={1995}} @TECHREPORT{jim94t, AUTHOR = "Kam Jim and C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne", TITLE = "Synaptic Noise in Dynamically-driven Recurrent Neural Networks: Convergence and Generalization", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", YEAR = "1994", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-94-89 and CS-TR-3322", ADDRESS = College Park, MD", YEAR = "1994"} @inproceedings{Jim95p, author={K.~Jim and B.G.~Horne and C.L.~Giles}, title={Effects of noise on convergence and generalization in recurrent networks}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7}, editor={G.~Tesauro and D.~Touretzky and T.~Leen}, publisher={MIT Press}, pages={649--656}, year={1995} } @journal{jim96IEEETNN, AUTHOR = "Kam Jim and C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne", TITLE = "Synaptic Noise in Dynamically-driven Recurrent Neural Networks: Convergence and Generalization", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", YEAR = "1996", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "6", NOTE = "1424-1438"} @InProceedings{ kuvayev97AAAI, author = "L. Kuvayev and C.L. Giles and H. Cejtin and J. Philbin", title = "Intelligent Methods for File System Optimization,", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-97", publisher = "AAAI Press", address = "Menlo Park, California", pages = "528", year = "1997" } @TechReport{ lawrence95applicabilityb, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and Sandiway Fong", title = "On the Applicability of Neural Network and Machine Learning Methodologies to Natural Language Processing", year = "1995", number = "UMIACS-TR-95-64 and CS-TR-3479", institution = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742"} @InCollection{ lawrence96convolutional, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and A.C. Tsoi", title = "Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Recognition", booktitle = "Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition", pages = "217--222", year = "1996", publisher = "IEEE Computer Society Press", address = "Washington, DC"} @InCollection{ lawrence96correctness, author = "Steve Lawrence and A.C. Tsoi and C. Lee Giles", title = "Correctness, Efficiency, Maintainability and Extendability in Neural Network Simulation", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks", address = "Piscataway, NJ", pages = "474--479", year = "1996", publisher = "IEEE Press"} @InCollection{ lawrence96can, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and Sandiway Fong", title = "Can Recurrent Neural Networks Learn Natural Language Grammars?", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks", address = "Piscataway, NJ", pages = "1853--1858", year = "1996", publisher = "IEEE Press"} @InCollection{ lawrence96local, author = "Steve Lawrence and A.C. Tsoi and C. Lee Giles", title = "Local Minima and Generalization", booktitle = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks", address = "Piscataway, NJ", pages = "371--376", year = "1996", publisher = "IEEE Press"} @TechReport{ lawrence96what, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and A.C. Tsoi", title = "What Size Neural Network Gives Optimal Generalization? {C}onvergence Properties of Backpropagation", month = "April", year = "1996", number = "UMIACS-TR-96-22 and CS-TR-3617", institution = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park MD 20742"} @InCollection{lawrence96NLP, author = "Steve Lawrence and Sandiway Fong and C. Lee Giles", title = "Natural Language Grammatical Inference: A Comparison of Recurrent Neural Networks and Machine Learning Methods", booktitle = "Symbolic, Connectionist, and Statistical Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing", editor = "Stefan Wermter and Ellen Riloff and Gabriele Scheler", series = "Lecture notes in AI", pages = "33--47", year = "1996", address = "Berlin", publisher = "Springer-Verlag"} @Article{lawrence97j, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and A.C. Tsoi and A.D. Back", title = "Face Recognition: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", year = "1997", volume = "8", pages = "98", number = "1",} @Article{ lawrence97distribution, author = "Steve Lawrence and A.D. Back and A.C. Tsoi and C. Lee Giles", title = "On the Distribution of Performance from Multiple Neural Network Trials", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", volume = "8", number = "6", pages = "1507--1517" } @InProceedings{ lawrence97faceb, author = "Steve Lawrence and P. Yianilos and I. Cox", title = "Face Recognition Using Mixture-Distance and Raw Images", booktitle = "1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", publisher = "IEEE Press", address = "Piscataway, NJ", pages = "2016--2021", year = "1997" } @InCollection{ lawrence97gamma, author = "Steve Lawrence and Andrew Back and A.C. Tsoi and C. Lee Giles", email = "lawrence@research.nj.nec.com", title = "The Gamma {MLP} -- Using Multiple Temporal Resolutions for Improved Classification", booktitle = "Neural Networks for Signal Processing VII -- Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Workshop", publisher = "IEEE Press", address = "Piscataway, NJ", pages = "256--265", year = "1997" } @InProceedings{ lawrence97AAAI, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "Intelligent Methods for File System Optimization,", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-97", publisher = "AAAI Press", address = "Menlo Park, California", pages = "528", year = "1997" } @InProceedings{ lawrence98inquirus, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "Inquirus, The {NECI} Meta Search Engine", booktitle = "Seventh International World Wide Web Conference", publisher = "Elsevier Science", pages = "95--105", address = "Brisbane, Australia", year = "1998" } @InCollection{ lawrence98symbolic, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles and A.C. Tsoi", title = "Symbolic Conversion, Grammatical Inference and Rule Extraction for Foreign Exchange Rate Prediction", editor = "A.S. Weigend Y. Abu-Mostafa and A.-P.N. Refenes", booktitle = "Decision Technologies for Financial Engineering: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Neural Networks in the Capital Markets", publisher = "World Scientific", address = "Singapore", isbn = "9810231237", pages = "333--345", year = "1998" } @Article{ lawrence98searching, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "Searching the {World Wide Web}", journal = "Science", volume = "280", number = "5360", pages = "98", year = "1998" } @Article{ lawrence98context, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "Context and Page Analysis for Improved {Web} Search", journal = "IEEE Internet Computing", pages = "38", volume = "2", number = "4", year = "1998" } @Article{ lawrence98searchingb, author = "Steve Lawrence and C. Lee Giles", title = "Searching the {Web}", journal = "Science", type = "Letter", volume = "281", number = "5374", pages = "175", year = "1998" } @ARTICLE{lee86j, AUTHOR = "Y.C. Lee and G. Doolen and H.H. Chen and G.Z. Sun and T. Maxwell and H.Y. Lee and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Machine Learning Using a Higher Order Correlational Network", JOURNAL = "Physica D", YEAR = "1986", VOLUME = "22-D", NUMBER = "1-3", PAGES = "276-306"} @inproceedings{Leerink95p, author={L.R.~Leerink and C.L.~Giles and B.G.~Horne and M.A.~Jabri}, title={Learning with product units}, booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7}, editor={G.~Tesauro and D.~Touretzky and T.~Leen}, publisher={MIT Press}, papges={537--544}, year={1995}} @TECHREPORT{lin95tr, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and P. Tino and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Learning long-term dependencies is not as difficult with NARX recurrent neural networks", YEAR = "1995", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-95-78 and CS-TR-3500", ADDRESS = "College Park, Maryland"} @INPROCEEDINGS{lin95p1, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and P. Tino and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Long-term dependencies in NARX networks", BOOKTITLE = "World Congress on Neural Networks, July 1995", YEAR = "1995", VOLUME = "3", PAGES = "142--146"} @INPROCEEDINGS{lin95p2, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and P. Tino and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Learning long-term dependencies is not as difficult with NARX recurrent neural networks", BOOKTITLE ="Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems~8", EDITOR = "D.S. Touretzky and M.C. Mozer and M.E. Hasselmo", PUBLISHER = "MIT Press", YEAR = "1996", PAGES = "577"} @ARTICLE{lin96j, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and P. Tino and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Learning long-term dependencies in NARX recurrent neural networks", JOURNAL ="IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks", YEAR = "1996", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "1424-1438", NOTE = "Nominated for best paper award, 1996"} @TECHREPORT{lin96tr, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "How Embedded Memory in Recurrent Neural Network Architectures Helps Learning Long-term Temporal Dependencies", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-96-28 and CS-TR-3626", ADDRESS = College Park, MD", YEAR = "1996"} @TECHREPORT{lin96tr2, AUTHOR = "Tsungnan Lin and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "How Memory Orders Effect the Performance of NARX Networks", YEAR = "1996", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-96-76 and CS-TR-3706", ADDRESS = "College Park, Maryland"} @ARTICLE{lin98j, AUTHOR = "T. Lin and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = " How Embedded Memory in Recurrent Neural Network Architectures Helps Learning Long-term Temporal Dependencies", JOURNAL ="Neural Networks", YEAR = "1998", VOLUME = "11", NUMBER = "5", PAGES = "861--868"} @ARTICLE{miller93j, AUTHOR = "C.B. Miller and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Experimental Comparison of the Effect of Order in Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artifical Intelligence", YEAR = "1993", VOLUME = "7", NUMBER = "4", NOTE = "Special Issue on Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition, editors: I. Guyon , P.S.P. Wang", PAGES = "849-872"} @TECHREPORT{omlin92t, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Extraction of Rules from Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks", INSTITUTION = "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", NUMBER = "TR 92-23", MONTH = "August", ADDRESS = "Computer Science, Troy, N.Y.", YEAR = "1992"} @INPROCEEDINGS{omlin92p, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Training Second-Order Recurrent Neural Networks Using Hints", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning", YEAR = "1992", EDITOR = "D. Sleeman and P. Edwards", PAGES = "363-368", PUBLISHER = "Morgan Kaufmann Publishers", ADDRESS = "San Mateo, CA"} @INPROCEEDINGS{omlin92p2, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles and C.B. Miller", TITLE = "Heuristics for the Extraction of Rules from Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 1992", YEAR = "1992", VOLUME = "I", PAGES = "33-38", MONTH = "June"} @INCOLLECTION{omlin94b, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Extraction and Insertion of Symbolic Information in Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks: Steps Toward Principled Integration, Volume 1: Basic Paradigms; Learning Representational Issues; and Integrated Architectures", EDITOR = "V. Honavar and L. Uhr", YEAR = "1994", PUBLISHER = "Academic Press", ADDRESS = "Cambridge, MA"} @INPROCEEDINGS{omlin94p1, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Constructing deterministic finite-state automata in sparse recurrent neural networks", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'94)", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", PAGES = "1732-1737", YEAR = "1994"} @INPROCEEDINGS{omlin94p2, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles and B.G. Horne and L.R. Leerink and T. Lin", TITLE = "Training recurrent neural networks with temporal input encodings", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'94)", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", PAGES "1267-1278", YEAR = "1994"} @TECHREPORT{omlin96tr, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and K.K. Thornber and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Fuzzy Finite-state Automata Can Be Deterministically Encoded into Recurrent Neural Networks", INSTITUTION = "University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-96-12 and CS-TR-3599", ADDRESS = "College Park, MD 20742", YEAR = "1996"} @ARTICLE{omlin96j, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Rule Revision with Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering", YEAR = "1996", VOLUME = "8", PAGES = "183", NUMBER = "1"} @ARTICLE{omlin96j2, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Stable Encoding of Large Finite-State Automata in Recurrent Neural Networks with Sigmoid Discriminants", JOURNAL = "Neural Computation", YEAR = "1996", VOLUME = "8", PAGES = "41--52", NUMBER = "4"} @ARTICLE{omlin96j1, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Extraction of Rules from Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "Neural Networks", VOLUME = "9", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "41--52", YEAR = "1996"} @INPROCEEDINGS{omlin96p, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and K.K. Thornber and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Representation of Fuzzy Finite-state Automata in Continuous Recurrent Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'96)", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", PAGES = "1023", YEAR = "1996"} @ARTICLE{omlin96j3, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Constructing Deterministic Finite-State Automata in Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "Journal of the ACM", VOLUME = "43", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "937--972", YEAR = "1996"} @ARTICLE{omlin98j, AUTHOR = "C.W. Omlin and K.K. Thornber and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Fuzzy Finite-state Automata Can Be Deterministically Encoded into Recurrent Neural Networks", JOURNAL ="IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems", VOLUME = "6", PAGES = "76", NUMBER = "1", YEAR = "1998"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sakr95p, AUTHOR = "M.F. Sakr and S.P. Levitan and C.L. Giles and D.M. Chiarulli and B.G. Horne and M. Maggini", TITLE = "Predictive Control of Opto-Electronic Reconfigurable Interconnection Networks Using Neural Networks BOOKTITLE = "2nd International Conference on Massively Parallel Processing Using Optical Interconnections", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Computer Society Press", EDITOR = "E. Schenfeld", PAGES= "326-335", YEAR = "1995"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sakr96p, AUTHOR = "M.F. Sakr and C.L. Giles and S.P. Levitan and B.G. Horne and M. Maggini and D.M. Chiarulli", TITLE = "On-Line Prediction of Multiprocessor Memory Access Patterns", BOOKTITLE = "IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'96)", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", PAGES = "1564", YEAR = "1996", NOTE = "Best Paper Award"} @TECHREPORT{sakr96tr, AUTHOR = "M.F. Sakr S.P. Levitan and D.M. Chiarulli and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Performance of On-Line Learning Methods in Predicting Multiprocessor Memory Access Patterns", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-96-59 and CS-TR-3676", ADDRESS = "College Park, MD 20742", YEAR = "1996"} @INCOLLECTION{siegelmann92p1, AUTHOR = "H.T. Siegelmann and E.D. Sontag and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "The Complexity of Language Recognition by Neural Networks", BOOKTITLE = "Algorithms, Software, Architecture - Information Processing 92, Vol 1", EDITOR = "J. van Leeuwen", YEAR = "1992", PAGES = "329-335", PUBLISHER = "Elsevier Science", ADDRESS = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"} @TECHREPORT{siegelmann95tr, AUTHOR = "H.T. Siegelmann and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Computational Capabilities of Recurrent NARX Neural Networks", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-95-12", YEAR = "1995"} @ARTICLE{siegelmann97IEEETSMC, AUTHOR = "H.T. Siegelmann and B.G. Horne and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Computational capabilities of recurrent NARX neural networks", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part B", YEAR = "1997", VOLUME = "27", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "208"} @ARTICLE{siegelmann97N, AUTHOR = "H. Siegelmann and C.L.Giles", TITLE = "The Complexity of Language Recognition by Neural Networks", JOURNAL = "Neurocomputing" NOTE = "Special Issue on Recurrent Networks for Sequence Processing, Eds: M. Gori, M. Mozer, A.H. Tsoi, W. Watrous", VOLUME = "15", PAGES = "327", YEAR = "1997"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sun90p1, AUTHOR = "G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and C.L. Giles and Y.C. Lee and D. Chen", TITLE = "Connectionist Pushdown Automata that Learn Context-Free Grammars", BOOKTITLE = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Jan. 1990", YEAR = "1990", EDITOR = "M. Caudill", PUBLISHER = "Lawerence Erlbaum", ADDRESS = "Hillsdale, N.J.", VOLUME = "I", PAGES = "577-580"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sun90p2, AUTHOR = "G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and C.L. Giles and Y.C. Lee and D. Chen", TITLE = "Neural Networks with External Memory Stack that Learn Context-Free Grammars from Examples", BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the Conference on Information Science and Systems", ADDRESS = "Princeton, NJ", YEAR = "1990", VOLUME = "II", PAGES = "649"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sun90p3, AUTHOR = "G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Recurrent Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models and Stochastic Grammars", BOOKTITLE = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, San Diego, 1990", YEAR = "1990", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, N.J.", VOLUME = "I", PAGES = "729-734"} @INPROCEEDINGS{sun91p, AUTHOR = "G.Z. Sun and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee and C.L. Giles", TITLE = "Turing Equivalence of Neural Networks with Second Order Connection Weights", BOOKTITLE = "1991 IEEE INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - Seattle", YEAR = "1991", PUBLISHER = "IEEE Press", ADDRESS = "Piscataway, NJ", VOLUME = "II", PAGES = "357--362"} @TECHREPORT{sun93tr, AUTHOR = "G.Z. Sun and C.L. Giles and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "The Neural Network Pushdown Automaton: Model, Stack and Learning Simulations", INSTITUTION = "Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD", NUMBER = "UMIACS-TR-93-77", YEAR = "1993"} @INCOLLECTION{sun98c, AUTHOR = "G.Z.Sun and C.L. Giles and H.H. Chen and Y.C. Lee", TITLE = "The Neural Network Pushdown Automata: Architecture, Dynamics and Training", BOOKTITLE = "Adaptive Processing of Sequences and Data Structures: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", EDITOR = "C.L. Giles and M. Gori", PUBLISHER = "Springer Verlag", PAGES = "296--345", YEAR = "1998", ADDRESS = "New York, NY"} @techreport{Tino95tr2, author={P.~Tino and B.G.~Horne and C.L.Giles}, title={Fixed Points in Two--Neuron Discrete Time Recurrent Networks: Stability and Bifurcation Considerations}, institution={Institute for Advance Computer Studies, University of Maryland}, address={College Park, MD 20742}, number={UMIACS-TR-95-51 and CS-TR-3461}, year={1995} } @INCOLLECTION{tino96b, AUTHOR = "P.~Tino and B.G.~Horne and C.L.Giles", TITLE = "Finite state machines and recurrent neural networks -- automata and dynamical systems approaches", BOOKTITLE = "Progress in Neural Networks: Temporal Dynamics and Time-Varying Pattern Recognition", EDITOR = "J.E. Dayhoff and O. Omidvar", PUBLISHER = "Birkhauser", YEAR = "1996", ADDRESS = "Norwood, NJ"} @techreport{Tino95tr, author={P.~Tino and B.G.~Horne and C.L.Giles}, title={Finite state machines and recurrent neural networks -- automata and dynamical systems approaches}, institution={Institute for Advance Computer Studies, University of Maryland}, address={College Park, MD 20742}, number={UMIACS-TR-95-1 and CS-TR-3396}, year={1995} }