IST 402 Topic List for Readings and Presentation

New: Other groups must ask questions about the presentations presented. Please identify your group when asking a question. Partial credit will be assigned based on your questions. At least one question per group should be asked for the day.

Your group must choose one of these topics to do a reading and presentation. If you do not find a topic of interest, please contact the instructor. You may read as many papers as you wish in the topic area. Topics are decided on a 1st come, 1st served basis. However, many topics can have more than one reader. Your topic must be chosen by Feb 18. Please notify the TA and instructor of your choice. If no topic is chosen by they date, one will be assigned.

After you choose a topic, you will search for a representative paper or papers to discuss. The papers you decide to read must be approved by the instructor. You may find the ACM archive of SIGIR, the previous WWW conferences and CiteSeer of use.

Here is the current list of chosen topics.


There will be two presentations. All should be of professional quality and in powerpoint. The first one briefly discusses what you will cover and should be no more than 5 minutes.

Your second presentation should introduce the topic, discuss the issues, why the area is important, what was done and how, what to do next. It must be a critique of the area. Your presentation should be for approximately 30 minutes. If you have questions, please talk to the instructor. Your presentation time will be randomly assigned. It you have problems with the schedule, please contact another group with whom you would like to switch. Presentations cannot be postponed or cancelled. This is similar to presentations at a conference or business meeting. The show must go on.

Attendance at Presentations

Other groups must attend all presentations and ask at least one question. Written copies of questions must be turned in after class for credit.



Audio search


Digital libraries

Distributed search

DOM – document object model

Document similarity / plagiarism detection

Formal models of IR

How to build a better Google

Image/video search

Intelligent agents for web search



Natural language processing and IR

Ontologies for search

Open Archives Initiative

Open Source Search Engine

Peer to peer search

Personalization of search - web usage patterns


Query expansion / question and answering

Recommender systems / collaborative filtering

Relevance judgments

Scientific literature digital libraries / CiteSeer

Search business models

Search engine performance / comparisons/ relevance

Semantic web and search

Smart browsers / intelligent search

Social implications of search engines

Specialized search engines / focused crawling

Examples of niche engines may be acceptable.  

Web analysis: graphs

Web storage: permanence of information